
Examples of OOH Advertising: Innovative and Impactful Campaigns

Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising has evolved significantly, leveraging a variety of formats and technologies to capture audience attention in public spaces. From traditional billboards to advanced digital displays, OOH advertising offers numerous ways to engage consumers. Here are some compelling examples of ooh advertising that showcase creativity, effectiveness, and innovation.

1. Digital Billboards

  1. Times Square, New York City:
    • Description: Times Square is renowned for its large, high-resolution digital billboards that display vibrant advertisements and live feeds. These billboards are used by major brands and events to create a lasting impression on millions of visitors.
    • Example: The Coca-Cola “Happiness” campaign featured a dynamic digital billboard with interactive elements, allowing viewers to see their photos alongside the brand’s logo in real-time.
  2. Piccadilly Circus, London:
    • Description: Piccadilly Circus is another iconic location known for its impressive digital billboards. These screens are used to showcase high-impact advertisements from global brands.
    • Example: The “PlayStation VR” campaign used a giant digital screen to display immersive, 3D content that attracted attention and drove interest in the new gaming technology.

2. Transit Advertising

  1. Bus and Train Ads:
    • Description: Transit advertising includes ads displayed on the exterior and interior of buses and trains, reaching commuters during their daily travel.
    • Example: A campaign for a new coffee shop used vibrant ads on the sides of buses and inside subway trains to target morning commuters, driving foot traffic to their locations.
  2. Subway Station Screens:
    • Description: Digital screens in subway stations provide real-time transit information along with advertisements.
    • Example: The “Apple iPhone” campaign featured interactive digital screens in subway stations, allowing users to explore the phone’s features through touch and motion sensors.

3. Interactive Kiosks

  1. Shopping Malls:
    • Description: Interactive kiosks in shopping malls offer information, promotions, and interactive content.
    • Example: A fashion brand set up interactive kiosks that allowed shoppers to browse their collection and receive personalized recommendations based on their selections.
  2. Airport Terminals:
    • Description: Airports use interactive kiosks to provide information and engage travelers.
    • Example: The “Samsung” campaign featured interactive kiosks with augmented reality (AR) experiences, allowing travelers to see how new products would look in their own environment.

Read also: Concert Video Screens: Enhancing Live Performances with Visual Spectacles

4. Experiential Marketing

  1. Pop-Up Installations:
    • Description: Pop-up installations are temporary setups that create immersive brand experiences.
    • Example: A “Lush Cosmetics” pop-up used large LED screens and interactive elements to engage visitors with product demonstrations and sensory experiences.
  2. Event-Based Advertising:
    • Description: Large LED screens at events such as concerts and sports games display live feeds and advertisements.
    • Example: The “Nike” campaign used giant LED screens at a major sports event to display live action and sponsor messages, enhancing the event experience for attendees.

5. Street Furniture

  1. Bus Shelters:
    • Description: Digital screens on bus shelters provide advertisements and real-time transit information.
    • Example: The “Pepsi” campaign used interactive bus shelter screens that allowed passersby to play a branded game and win promotional prizes.
  2. Public Benches:
    • Description: Advertising on public benches provides visibility in parks and urban areas.
    • Example: A “McDonald’s” campaign featured benches with digital screens displaying ads and interactive content, encouraging people to engage with the brand while they rested.

6. Augmented Reality (AR) and Interactive Displays

  1. AR Billboards:
    • Description: AR technology overlays digital content onto real-world environments.
    • Example: The “Heineken” campaign used an AR billboard to allow viewers to interact with virtual beer bottles and see promotional content through their smartphones.
  2. Digital Mirrors:
    • Description: Digital mirrors in retail environments enable customers to virtually try on clothing and accessories.
    • Example: The “Gucci” campaign used digital mirrors in high-end stores to let customers see how different outfits looked on them, driving sales and engagement.

7. Sustainable Advertising

  1. Green Billboards:
    • Description: Green billboards use sustainable technologies like solar panels and eco-friendly materials.
    • Example: The “Coca-Cola” campaign featured a vertical garden billboard made from recycled materials, highlighting the brand’s commitment to sustainability.
  2. Recycled Materials:
    • Description: Some OOH campaigns use recycled materials to create visually striking displays.
    • Example: The “Adidas” campaign used recycled plastic bottles to construct a large, eye-catching billboard promoting their new eco-friendly product line.

8. Community and Social Impact

  1. Local Artist Collaborations:
    • Description: Collaborations with local artists for billboard and mural campaigns.
    • Example: A “Budweiser” campaign featured artwork by local artists on billboards, promoting both the brand and the artists within the community.
  2. Charity Campaigns:
    • Description: Integrating social causes into OOH advertising.
    • Example: The “UNICEF” campaign used billboards to raise awareness and funds for children’s education, with a portion of the advertising revenue donated to the cause.


Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising provides a dynamic and impactful way to connect with audiences in public spaces. From traditional billboards to innovative digital screens and interactive displays, the versatility of OOH advertising allows brands to engage consumers in creative and memorable ways. By exploring various examples of OOH advertising, brands can gain insights into successful strategies and trends that can enhance their own advertising campaigns.

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